A Beginners Guide to Starting a Healthy Lifestyle

Health is wealth. The quality of our health can make all the difference in how you feel, how you think, how much energy you have and how much vitality you have to enjoy life. 

Whether you’re new to living a healthy lifestyle and want to make the change, facing a disease that’s forcing you to change how you treat your body, or a well-versed person in the world of healthy living, here are some basic, yet fundamental things to keep in mind when forging a path towards a healthier lifestyle, in admittedly, a topic that can get overwhelming with so much information. 

Being healthy shouldn’t be what your entire day is about

Being healthy shouldn’t be what your entire day is about

When you look up health, you’ll often see incredibly fit and toned individuals, a cocktail of supplements to take, and seemingly spending hours everyday dedicated to wellness. From morning detox drinks, followed by green juices, followed by a smoothie, followed by breakfast then a rainbow of supplements then finally 5 hours at the gym. 

Don’t fall into this misconception. Supplements, gym memberships and large amounts of time dedicated to wellness simply isn’t realistic for most people. Don’t let this false idea of health discourage you. If you make your entire day dedicated to ‘being healthy’ you’ll find that you won’t have time for your daily responsibilities. 

Instead, don’t compare yourself or try to follow the online personas you see concerning health. Especially as a beginner, opt for smaller more manageable choices such as choosing healthy meals, going to bed earlier and carving out at least 20 minutes of daily movement. Healthy eating, sleeping and moving habits alone are enough for most people to feel their best. 

Find what works for you

Find what works for you

When it comes to health, there isn’t a ‘one size fits all’. Instead of emulating somebody else’s healthy lifestyle, draw inspiration from it and tweak it to make it your own. This is so important because you’ll need to follow a lifestyle that you enjoy and can maintain for life as well as taking into account what your specific body needs. 

Everyone’s body’s are different. For instance, some people are more susceptible to insulin resistance and therefore need more protein, other people need the extra fiber and can’t seem to digest animal protein well so a vegan lifestyle might suit them better. Varying factors such as age, lifestyle, and genetics all play a role in what will help your body look and feel it’s best. When starting a healthy lifestyle, take an honest look at yourself to determine what you need. 

Everything in moderation including moderation

Everything in moderation including moderation

Often, healthy lifestyles call for cutting out or restricting many things. Sugar, processed foods, pastries, refined flours, trans fats etc. certainly aren’t good for your health, and any doctor and health practitioner will tell you to either avoid it or cut it out. 

Take this advice with a grain of salt. Everything in moderation is acceptable, including moderation. Just because you’re off sugar, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy an occasional slice of birthday cake. If you leave nothing off the table, and instead in controlled amounts, following a healthy lifestyle will be that much easier. 

Start with whole foods

Start with whole foods

Eating a diet of whole foods is perhaps 50% of the healthy eating battle. Eating mostly fresh food, you already greatly lessen the amount of processed chemicals and ingredients that come from packaged foods. 

Don’t be fooled that supplements can take the place of a healthy diet. While supplements certainly can boost one’s health, supplements are exactly that, supplements and shouldn’t be treated or expected to replace the nutrition a person should get from a meal consisting of whole foods. 

Choose the right supplements

Choose the right supplements

With that said about whole foods, choosing the right supplements for you is a fun and integral part choosing to live a healthier lifestyle. The varieties out there are endless and it can seem overwhelming in choosing one. 

As previously discussed, you need to find what works for you. Basics, such as a multivitamin fits most people’s lifestyles, but if you’re aware of any healthy issues that you’re particularly more susceptible to, supplements can be a great option in preventing them. 

For example, many women are prone to anemia and find an iron supplement prevents any iron deficiency, people who don’t get a lot of sunlight find a Vitamin D supplement to be an essential etc. Again, find the supplements that work for you and tailor it to your health needs to see the best results for your health. 

A good multivitamin supplement is a cornerstone to good health. Make sure you choose one that has a balanced mix of vitamins and minerals to cover all your bases. Nature’s Health Complete Multivitamin contains over 23 essential vitamins and nutrients making it an easy-to-take daily supplement to better your health.

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